Friday, June 30, 2017

Future Solar

I sent a "puzzle" pic in to Edhat (click here to see it), asking if anyone could identify the construction site. If you'd like to guess and haven't already read it, see the Edhat article before reading further. If you had a hunch but didn't want to hazard a guess in a comment there, you're invited to comment here.

If you were stumped or just want to confirm that your guess was correct, keep reading. 😊

Here's a wider version of the cropped pic in the Edhat article for more clues.

Unless you hang out in this part of town and have been watching the construction, you'll probably like the extra context in this last pic of the site.

Yes, that's the Arlington Theater spire at the top-left of this pic, and the new housing being built next door is to have a solar panel on that roof at the lower-middle of the pic. So did you know right off, or guess correctly? Are you interested in this sort of game? Are there other sorts of pix you'd like to see me send Edhat and/or post here? Do you have some you'd like to share?

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Night Rescue, Gibraltar Rd.

We heard several sirens late Monday night so we looked up at the mountains to make sure there wasn't a wildfire. Up toward Gibraltar we saw a collection of flashing red lights, so I snapped a hand-held zoom pic through the window and sent it to Edhat. After reading Roger's report there and the prompt updates with additional details provided by Edhat staff, I got out the tripod and snapped this clearer pic outdoors at maximum zoom.
There's a cluster of lights below the right end of the line of lights on Gibraltar Rd., that's apparently the rescue workers at the car down the cliff.

Then I got this rather blurry video that shows the helicopter that was circling. We also saw it apparently land, but didn't see it take off again before coming back inside.

Now I see there are stories on Noozhawk and KEYT too. Hope the injured parties recover, and that this horrific crash will lead to more caution on that road - especially at night.

SBitz Intro Post
