Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Night Rescue, Gibraltar Rd.

We heard several sirens late Monday night so we looked up at the mountains to make sure there wasn't a wildfire. Up toward Gibraltar we saw a collection of flashing red lights, so I snapped a hand-held zoom pic through the window and sent it to Edhat. After reading Roger's report there and the prompt updates with additional details provided by Edhat staff, I got out the tripod and snapped this clearer pic outdoors at maximum zoom.
There's a cluster of lights below the right end of the line of lights on Gibraltar Rd., that's apparently the rescue workers at the car down the cliff.

Then I got this rather blurry video that shows the helicopter that was circling. We also saw it apparently land, but didn't see it take off again before coming back inside.

Now I see there are stories on Noozhawk and KEYT too. Hope the injured parties recover, and that this horrific crash will lead to more caution on that road - especially at night.

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