Monday, July 10, 2017

Whittier Fire (7/10)

This website has been moved to SbitZ.NET

Thanks for your interest in online information and dialog for the Santa Barbara region. This website was de-activated after the first few posts and replaced by SbitZ.NET (a shortcut for!forum/sbitz). That's a more convenient place for anyone to view freely. With a free Google account you can also sign up to join as a Member and share your questions or comments; "follow" it with a selection of automatic email updates when there's anything new added; and share any photos, videos, links or information via text, email or web browser.

Please see the Introduction on SBitZ.NET for more info. Posts since July 10, 2017 have been placed there, and anyone can read those without sign up. The reason only Members can contribute there, is to reduce the chances of anyone adding advertising, negative or unhelpful posts there. We welcome all positive, friendly and helpful contributions there.

As described below, I had problems with the interface here on, so I tried SBitZ.NET which runs on the Google Groups interface. Since I found that much easier to use, I have "deactivated" this site but left it here for the time being in case anyone would like to read the old posts here. Eventually I'll automatically re-route all visitors to this site directly to SBitZ.NET for everyone's convenience.

Original 7/10/2017 Post here on
I've struggled at times with the interface of this google platform for posting updates. Since this fire (and the Alamo & Stone Fires) is mostly dormant, I'm going to post some info about the Whittier Fire on the companion website (google groups) SBitZ.NET to see if it's any easier. I need something that's quick, easy and robust (unlikely to fail or get overloaded in emergencies). Another good thing about SBitZ.NET is that it will probably be easier for others with info to add it there in Comments, and for any volunteers to also contribute pix & video. Plus, it may be easier to post via cellphone so we could add news while on scene.

Anyway, for today's update take a look at SBitz.NET sometime after 3pm when I've posted some stuff there, and let me know what you think. :)

SBitz Intro Post
